1. Works-ACS-1

    Logo variants

  2. Works-ACS-2
  3. Works-ACS-3

    Signage & poster

  4. Works-ACS-4

    Marketing materials

Art Class Sydney


  1. digital media
  2. identity / branding
  3. print communications

Red Egg’s indefatigable life partner Gabrielle Jones decided it was time to rebrand her Balmain art classes and at the same time make it easier for aspiring art students to find her online. Hence the name Art Class Sydney.

So I came up with a simple logo but with variants to help illustrate the many materials and media which are an everyday part of the practising artist’s working life.

The new website has been popular with students and it also provides a platform for displaying some of their work.

Student enrolments have doubled since the launch of the website.

> Launch the website.

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